Fulton County commercial property owners in Atlanta are afraid that their new assessments are going to skyrocket. New tax assessments for Fulton County are expected to increase by 20% to 35% on certain properties if not more. The city’s development pattern and certain 2017 local government actions have resulted in assessors believing that values are lagging.
The issue began a year ago when county commissioners froze residential property taxes at 2016 values. The county is now being sued for this decision, and the law currently requires all property to be appraised at “fair market value” and with “uniformity.”
The Assessors will likely argue that all property values are rising, and that demand is increasing for commercial and residential property. Commercial and residential development around and near the Beltline and other greenway projects are being used by the assessors to boost valuations. However, Hecht notes that much of the development may not result in the widespread valuation raises that the assessors are determining on a mass appraisal method. Many of the properties have individual characteristics and unique property traits that will not allow such development to raise their values in as a significant manner as the assessors proclaim. Hecht tells commercial and residential property owners to stick to their guns and to appeal their property tax values based on their unique characteristics.
If you are a Fulton County commercial property owner of properties including but not limited to warehouses, apartment complexes, lots, hotels, shopping centers, distribution centers, retail stores, service industries or other commercial enterprise who has received an unfair property tax assessment, then you are eligible to file a tax appeal within 45 days of receiving your assessment notice. Contact Hecht Walker, PC at 404-348-4881 today to discuss your potential options for starting a tax appeal.