Over two decades ago, the New York Civil Liberties Union started a new project. This organization would go on to help file class actions in the interests of children who were mistreated in foster care. Now, that organization—Children’s Rights—is coming to Atlanta with the help of Greg Hecht.
Helping Children’s Rights Expand Across the South
At the end of May, around 25 attorneys from the Hall Booth Smith gathered for a breakfast meeting. At that meeting they were shown a presentation by Children’s Rights senior staff attorney Christina Remlin, and our very own Greg Hecht.
This presentation outlined the efforts of Children’s Rights to make life better for children living in foster care. This cause is close to Hecht’s heart, considering he and his wife adopted twin girls almost ten years ago. Their daughters had gone through seven foster placements before finding their forever family. Now, Greg works to help child welfare in whatever way he can.
This has led Hecht to spearheading fundraising and awareness for Children’s Rights as the organization tries to expand beyond its New York origins. This led to Hecht connecting the organization with his friend John Hall—one of the partners at Hall Booth Smith.
After the presentation, the local defense firm not only made office space available to Children’s Rights, it also offered pro bono help. The Atlanta branch of the nonprofit will now call the headquarters for Hall Booth Smith its home.
This update was brought to you by the hard-working attorneys at Hecht Walker, P.C.—helping the business and the people of Georgia flourish.