Higher tax assessments in Georgia have business owners and other property owners alarmed. There has been much confusion as to whether or not these recent tax hikes for property owners will stick. According to a June 5th article in the Atlanta Journal Constitution (AJC) some Fulton County residents have seen property tax increases this year of more than fifty percent. According to Hecht Walker Principal Greg Hecht,“tax assessments typically come out in spring and early summer across the state, so this issue is currently playing out all across Georgia,”
Business owners and homeowners need to review their tax assessments to find their individual deadlines for appealing a tax assessment. All property owners should be aware that deadlines are coming up fast.
While it appears that residential property owners may have a reprieve, that may not be the case for commercial property owners. In a June 19 article, the AJC quoted Chairman of the Fulton County Board of Assessors John Eaves as saying “commercial properties will be assessed at 2017 levels.”
Hecht Walker, P.C. works on behalf of many businesses and commercial enterprises to help them appeal tax assessments, if advisable.
Business owners are likely to have a better chance at a successful appeal with the guidance of an Atlanta commercial real estate attorney with experience. The attorneys at Hecht Walker PC focus on business and commercial clients and have represented many such clients with successful outcomes.
To read more about how tax appeals work please take a look at the page “Atlanta Property Tax and Appeal Attorney” on our website, or you may want to read an article published in our 2014 Newsletter by Hecht Walker’s Jon Jordan, Easing the Taxing Cost of Property Ownership.* Additionally, a recent news report by WXIA News featured an interview with Dwight Robinson, the chief tax appraiser for Fulton County; the story helps explain why property taxes jumped so dramatically in Fulton County this year.
Most Georgia counties have mailed out tax assessment notices to property owners already, and your time to appeal is approaching fast if it has not already passed. You should check the date on your tax assessment notice for the appeal date. If you disagree with the county’s assessment of your commercial property’s value, you can appeal the assessment. Please contact Greg Hecht, Mark Walker, Jon Jordan or Aaron Chausmer at Hecht Walker, PC – (404)-949-0170 if you would like their guidance to determine if you have a good case to appeal your commercial property tax assessment. Or you may reach our commercial real estate attorneys by completing the contact form on our website. Don’t delay – get the property tax advice and the legal help you need promptly.
*Please note that the law has changed since 2014, and you should contact our law firm or another law firm on your tax appeal matter before relying on the 2014 article.